Teens Challenge

what we do

Agro Teens Challenge

About the Challenge

Kuch-99 Agro Teens Challenge is a campaigned against food insecurity. Teenage students are trained and challenged to set up their own home and school gardens for a prize. We believe that in doing this, it will go a long way to alleviate hunger and promote food security.


Every home a garden! Every school a garden! Everyone a gardener!


teen 2

It is no longer news that food insecurity has crept into almost every home. Interestingly, our company’s vision is to ensure food security by turning our fallow lands in Nigeria and Africa into bread, unlocking its treasures. 

Food insecurity is today’s reality and constant hikes in the prices of all commodities including food stuff is the order of the day especially in Nigeria. Yet, food security and zero hunger are the key goals or agenda of most countries and international bodies including WHO. In Nigeria and most if not all African countries, there is a rise in rates of unemployment, criminal activities such as kidnappings, robbery etc; societal menace like prostitution, protests, riots, strikes etc. The common factor in all of these is lack of money and the push factor is hunger. 

Even when one can afford anything he/she needs or wants, the quality of these products cannot be ascertained. Agrochemicals are abused both at production and preservation stages, environmental hygiene is relegated etc all because profit is considered paramount by most producers. As a result, food borne illnesses are very common. Therefore, there is need for;

  • Safer food consumption
  • Safer (less bushy) home environment
  • Reduced cost of feeding
  • More readily available food supply
  • Cleaner atmospheric environment amongst others.

So, our desire to contribute our own quota to ensure that every home can at least to some extent qualitatively grow what they eat birthed the 2023 KUCH-99 AGRO TEENS 


  • Participants must have attended our agro-training for secondary schools.
  • Successfully cultivate and harvest our cucumber seeds within the scheduled date (January 30th – March 25th, 2023)
  • Send at least five quality pictures and videos showing the different growth stages / cucumber cultivation processes i.e.;
    • Seed-Nursery stage (6-10 days)
    • Vegetative stage (20-25 days)

    • Flowering stage (30-35 days)

    • Fruiting stage (40-45 days)

    • Harvest/Post Harvest stage (45-75 days)

 Send these pictures to 08031899245 (via WhatsApp)

  • (Please note that the picture must capture you and your cucumber plants and you must tag your name and the name of your school to it before sending)
  • Follow our social media handles at Facebook and Instagram using theirs’s or their parent’s phones; Facebook: KUCH-99 AGRICULTURE & SEEDS LTD. Instagram: kuch.99


Students send in pictures of vegetative stage
13th February – 24th February 2023

25th March 2023